Events and Activities

Nuvelco Holds Cleaner & Greener Drive

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya.  Consistent with the initiative of not only as a form of compliance but as a show of showing its love towards the environment and the future, the Aldersgate College Graduate School joined the tree-planting program on September 21, 2016 at Commonal, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya.
This undertaking is an effort to show support and direct contribution to our country’s approach to cleaner and greener Philippines towards climate change mitigation and sustainable development.

The activity is a joint project of Nueva Vizcaya Electric Cooperative (Nuvelco) and the Aldersgate College (AC) Graduate School where more than 200 different specifies of fruitbearing trees were planted along the municipal and provincial roads of said barangay.

Barangay Commonal was chosen as the recipient of the activity because it is considered as a watershed of Solano and where the first mini-hydro was established.

Officials and constituents from the said barangay assisted NUVELCO and AC and expressed their appreciation for choosing their barangay as a recipient of the program and they are appealing that it will be conducted annually to preserve the area as watershed.

About Nuvelco

National Highway, Brgy. Gabut, Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya

  • GLOBE 0926-611-9422 Main Office

  • GLOBE 0935-812-1081 Solano/Villaverde/Quezon

  • GLOBE 0917-451-9654 Bayombong/Ambaguio

  • GLOBE 0917-304-8268 Bagabag

  • GLOBE 0955-920-4038 Diadi

  • GLOBE 0965-883-7291 Bambang

  • GLOBE 0916-863-3875 Aritao/Sta. Fe/Kayapa

  • GLOBE 0977-752-9308 Dupax Sur/Norte



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