- Duly Accomplished Application for Membership and Electric Service
- Tax Identification Number (TIN) if none, fill out BIR Form No. 1904 with attached Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
- Photocopy of one (1) valid ID
- Barangay Clearance issued by the barangay where the building is located and certifying that no electrical connection is tapped.
- Latest Electric Bill of Nearest Neighbor
- Electrical Plan signed and sealed by Professional Electrical Engineer
- Certificate of Housewiring Installation by accredited electrical practitioner or barangay electrician
- Clearance from the concerned NUVELCO Suboffice that applicant has no outstanding obligation and that the building has no previous electrical connection
- Certificate of Pre-membership Education Seminar (PMES)
- Payment of required fees:
- Membership Fee P100.00
- ID P100.00
- Minimum Share Capital P1,200.00 (12 Share @ P100.00/share)
- Housewiring Fees depending on the number of outlets
- Meter Box and Accessories - Square Kwhm P1,050.00 Round Kwhm P1,219.50
- Payment of Electrical Plan if opted to be prepared in the office 1-10 outlets P500.00 11 and more P1,000.00
- Consumer applies for house Connection.
- House Wiring Clerk advices the consumer to submit/complete the house wiring requirements.
- House Wiring Clerk prepares Charge Billing for payment.
- Consumer pays the application fees (House Wiring, Membership Fee, etc.)
- House Wiring Clerk prepares the Turn-On, RV and other requirements for tapping.
- Consumer Section Head reviews the requirements and affix his/her signature.
- MSD Chief verifies the completeness of the requirements and affix the signature and forwards to the ISD Manager for approval.
- Internal Auditor reviews and approves the application.
- ISD Manager approves the requirements and application.
- General Manager receives the application for final approval.
- Warehouseman prepares the materials for release.
- Tapping Crew receives the materials and complete papers.
- Tapping Crew taps applicant as scheduled.