NUVELCO has successfully conducted another benchmarking activity for the process towards ISO Certification with an electric cooperative based in Luzon. This happened within a week after the benchmarking with CAGELCO I (Cagayan Electric Cooperative I) on February 3, 2023.The second benchmarking was conducted on February 9, 2023 at NUVELCO’s head office in Gabut, Dupax Del Sur. Coming over for assistance on their ISO application as well as tips on IT and infrastructure management as well as other best practices were personnel from Quezon Province’s QUEZELCO II (Quezon Electric Cooperative II). The visiting team was led by their GM Von Erwin G. Azagra.
General Manager Fredel L. Salvador led the NUVELCO management and Quality Management System Team in showing the process towards ISO certification. He said that it is a contribution to the call of NEA administrator Almeda hence NUVELCO is doing its best to assist them in their pursuit for ISO certification.
Alongside the ISO process, NUVELCO also shared its best practices on, among others, advanced systems in meter reading and billing, systems in online collection, collection monitoring, and SCADA. In response, GM Azagra expressed thanks to the whole NUVELCO organization especially the Board of Directors led by President Dominador Lapada the Quality Management Office, QMR Raymond Navarete, and GM Fredel Salvador.